
I post about anything related to web development, mainly about Typescript, Node.js, React and Angular.

IP to Country Detection with

Do you want to show the user’s country flag, currency, language, or auto-select their country’s phone prefix in the c...

Ionel Lupu
Ionel Lupu

Async/Await Traps: The importance of await in try/catch blocks

Is the following code going to crash your program or will it execute without any issues? Take your time to make a gue...

Ionel Lupu
Ionel Lupu

'onSticky' Event hook in React

In the previous article we discussed creating a custom event handler for the “element is sticky” event, which allowed...

Ionel Lupu
Ionel Lupu

'onSticky' Event handler

Have you ever wished to change the CSS properties when an element goes in the “sticky” mode on the page? In this art...

Ionel Lupu
Ionel Lupu

How to display Weekday names in your User's language

The other day I came across a tweet from @trunarla about how can ternary operators can be made more readable: Link ...

Ionel Lupu
Ionel Lupu

Typetron Alpha is out

I’ve been working on a Node.js framework for building REST APIs lately called Typetron and I wanted to announce it’s ...

Ionel Lupu
Ionel Lupu